Slow Down

I am by no means an expert on the current situation. Everyone’s lives are being affected, from small inconveniences to more serious concerns for loved ones wellbeing and struggles facing the businesses we own and love. In the rare moments I’ve had away from social media and news sites, away from the statistics and uncertainty, a takeaway from all of this that seems to be clear is that we are all being asked to slow down.  Slow down your thinking. Your pace. Notice your surroundings. Breath deeply. Have slower conversations. The frantic energy around isn’t helpful. Take time to listen to those around you, not just speak your own thoughts. Slow down your movement, consciously feel into your feet, your breath. While you are asked to maintain distance, find new ways to create connections. Everything happening right now is here to teach us something. Even if we don’t know what it is yet. Take the current advice seriously. And keep washing your hands, obvs.

Laura Kelly