An Interview With Boody

In August 2020 I sat down with Boody, Australia to talk to them about the importance of mindfulness. An appropriate topic at what was an incredibly stressful time for many of us. From the devastating bushfires at the start of the year to the on-going pandemic, it felt so important to try and stay present.

You're a trained yoga teacher. How did that come to be?

Mine is quite a common tale, I think. I was working long hours in a successful but stressful corporate job and really felt like I needed to slow down. My yoga practice had become my biggest support in coping with stress and I initially started looking at yoga retreats but realised I needed more than a week off! 

I actually ended up leaving my job without a plan but found a teacher training in Bali that really focused on teaching yoga philosophy. I learnt a lot about myself over that month and came home feeling inspired to share some of the practices I’d found had helped me.

You also teach meditation. Can you tell us a bit about this?

I was first introduced to meditation in yoga classes as a student and then again later during my teacher training where I was introduced to a range of different meditation styles. I’d say I offer guided meditations over specifically teaching the techniques. They are accessible to everyone. 

My intention is to offer short guided meditations that can be done at any point during the day that are simple and easy to follow. The beauty of meditation for me is that it’s taught me how to slow down. 

It can help me find calm amongst frantic energy and invites me to slow my movements and consciously feel into my body and breath, to become more connected to ourselves and the world around me.

Read the interview here

Laura Kelly