Explore Your Mind this World Meditation Day

“We don’t sit in meditation to get good at meditation: we sit in meditation to get good at living.” 

The modern world can get a little hectic and although most of us know that taking some time to ourselves away from the chaos is important, we also understand that it’s not always an easy thing to do.

Meditation can help to reduce the mental and physical stress we place upon our bodies and can support our self awareness which betters our relationship with our self and others. It helps us find stillness and move out of a perpetual state of fight or flight, one which many of us find ourselves in all too regularly. 

To celebrate World Meditation Day, I sat down with Bondi-based wellness studio Nimbus & Co. We explore why strengthening and exploring the mind offers us all an opportunity to get better acquainted with our own deeper selves.

Read the full interview

Laura Kelly