48 Hours In Florence

We made a spontaneous decision to spend two nights in Florence after chatting with friends who had made the journey from Rome the week before. It’s only 1.5 hours on the train but it is worth booking tickets in advance. It’s a popular route for Italians and tourists alike; as we discovered when we were waiting to get on the train and a big group of fellow tourists walked right in front of us and started loading their multiple XL suitcases onto the train and attempting to squash them into the tiny luggage compartments above the seats. It was almost comical, especially as the lovely Italian woman standing next to me started to ‘OMMMM’ quietly under her breath!

By this point in the trip I have to admit I was starting to lose interest mostly because my energy levels were LOW (I could’ve done with some time ‘OM-ING’ myself!) We’d been doing a lot of walking in the heat and the prospect of a different hotel every night for four nights that week didn’t sound appealing or relaxing. I realise this makes me a spoilt cow and really Florence was just as lovely as the rest of the trip, it just took a bit more for me to see it through my tired eyes. The plan was to get lost in winding streets, eat gelato, admire the Renaissance architecture and bask in the Tuscan sunshine; a dreamy 48 hours…once I’d stopped complaining!

Here’s the highlights:

J.K. Place Firenze; a luxury boutique hotel that prides itself on its homely vibes was our bed for our first night. Their restaurant terrace where we ate breakfast looks out on the Piazza Santa Maria Novella and the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella. A beautiful place to stay and the perfect location for exploring.

Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica was definitely a highlight for me. It’s a 400 year old pharmacy that used to be run by the friars from the nearby cathedral and now sells beauty products containing the ancient remedies that would have been used when it first opened. The building itself is stunning. I could have spent hours wandering through the different rooms; fragrances, creams, soaps and finally (my favourite) a room of herbal remedies, teas and supplements. Each item came with a card explaining the ingredients and their benefits. And the ladies behind the counter could tell you the history of each ingredient and why it would have been used originally. A must do if you’re into that kind of thing!

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore/The Duomo is a colourful Gothic cathedral in the centre of the city and a must see if you’re ever there. You can actually climb the 463 steps to the top of its dome for some of the best views over Florence (an activity we didn’t fancy it in 35 degree heat!)

The Ponte Vecchio or ‘Old Bridge’ in Italian is home to some beautiful goldsmiths’ shops and studios running from one end to the other. You could spend a couple of hours window shopping here or searching for that something special; there are new and vintage jewels to choose from and the views across the water are worth a look too.

On our first night we walked over the bridge and ate dinner at Tamero Pasta Bar in Piazza Santo Spirito where all the Firenze hipsters hang out. We were serenaded with live music and as the sun went down and the locals came out with cold beers to drink sitting out in the square we could see why it was a popular spot!

Some much needed downtime came with one night at Il Salviatino - a stunning property a short drive outside Florence up in the hills of Tuscany. An old stately home, the hotel is set in beautiful gardens with a pool and from our room, the most incredible view of the city. Someone had recommended we go to Piazzale Michelangelo for a panoramic view of the sunset over Florence but we had our very own view from here!

After being on the move and packing so much in it was a real luxury to have a whole afternoon to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. Lying by the pool surrounded by rolling green hills, it felt a world away from the busy city. I love exploring new places but my energy resources (and my tan) definitely needed topping up!

Dining options were limited near here, googling the nearest restaurant luckily landed us with thin crispy pizzas and great local wine at I' Giuggiolo Osteria Pizzeria. If you did find yourself over that way it’s a good option for an delicious well priced meal.