It's Time For Another Adventure

"How was your trip?” a friend asked, as my trip drew to a close. I thought for a moment, then the answer came easily. “It had its ups and downs,” I said. “There were times I felt exhilarated and sure I was on track. Other days I felt lost. Confused. I’d fall into bed at night certain that this whole trip was a mistake and a waste. But I’d wake up in the morning, something would happen, and I’d see how I’d been guided all along.”

Journey To The Heart, Melody Beattie


Five years and one month ago, I arrived in Sydney thinking I would be there for a year. It’s not a new story, I’m not the first to get sucked into the magic of Australia and I certainly won’t be the last. It’s taken time and hasn’t always been easy but the lessons learnt have been worth every up and down and the souls I’ve met along the way are nothing short of life long friends. We’ve been through so many of life’s milestones together; losing old loves, finding new ones, proposals, weddings, pregnancies and the arrival of tiny new humans to add to the gang. With most of us being far from home, some further than others, a new family has been created. It’s a funny feeling to know that I’m likely to now experience a sort of homesickness in reverse as this seven month adventure begins. But I know it’s not goodbye, only see you soon. How lucky I am to have two places in this world to call home, both full to the brim of people I love dearly.

For now, the desire to explore and spend time closer to my first home is calling. I can’t wait to be enveloped in the love that runs so deep in London, reconnect and soak up those special moments with friends and family. A very special wedding in Italy will reunite us with some of our Aussie family after only a couple of weeks of leaving (YAY!) We’ll explore parts of Canada, where my Dad is from and see how we go sticking out the start of those cold, cold winters! Parts of the U.S are on the list (NYC being at the top, obvs. As is Tulum in Mexico where some of our closest friends got married a few years ago (we didn’t get to the wedding, so keen to see where the magic happened!). And who knows where else we’ll end up…

I’m attempting to play it by ear as much as I can and see how it all unfolds; the lack of a solid plan doesn’t come easily to me, I LOVE an itinerary and like to know things are all in place so I can make the most of where I am; best restaurants, bars, beaches, yoga studios, shows, gigs, the list is endless BUT it does feel like the right way to be doing this particular trip. A few certain someones will be glad to hear that I’ll be doing my best to go with the flow…

I’m also going to attempt to share my experiences here. I love writing, journal often and have always toyed with the idea of having my own creative outlet. So let’s see how this goes…