Just Touched Down In London Town

Week one in London felt like a continued ‘decompression’ phase. Everyone always asks if it feels weird to be back; sleeping in my parents house, hanging out where I grew up… and the thing that’s most weird is that it isn’t weird at all…I always slot straight back in to whatever is happening so easily. It makes it feel like I’m living in a parallel universe, like Sydney life is still there but exists far, far away (in a much warmer world!) That side of it is a bit hard to wrap my head around but I suppose makes it easier to focus on the here and now which is what we all strive for, right?

It was so nice, knowing there’s no real pressure to rush around like a mad woman catching up with everyone in a short space of time. It can feel stressful having that kind of schedule to stick to but I was able to take it super slow. I wasn’t feeling 100% so I spent a few days vegging out at Mum and Dad’s…eating cake every day (supposedly the cake only appears when Mum has guests….and for the first few days we count as guests?!), sleeping in, snuggling down and watching BBC drama (the best!!)

I tried to keep moving (jet lag 101) - heading to Frame in Kings Cross - a pretty swishy fitness studio with great pilates classes (I haven’t tried their yoga yet), a massage at Cowshed in Holland Park with Mum (such a treat!) and catching up, putting the world to rights with friends in the local pub - the thing I miss the most!

In an attempt to really shift some yucky energy I’ve been carrying around with me I also booked in for an EPIC aromatherapy massage with added reflexology which definitely had me back to feeling more human and ready to start the trip feeling less pain and sluggish vibes and more ‘me’! The Sydney logistics and air travel had definitely messed with me in a big way so it’s good to finally feel like things are a bit more in balance. It’s hard when you’re travelling, I think, to remember to keep checking in with how you’re really feeling, sometimes it all goes too far and you just need some helping/healing hands.

So on we go! It’s both the best and the hardest thing, having two places to call home. The luxury this year comes from having the extra time to really reconnect with London loves and explore my old city in a new way.

More to come :-)