One Heart, Two Homes

They don’t tell you how hard it will be. They say you might get homesick. They say you’ll call your Mum and feel a bit sad but distract yourself with friends and fun. They tell you it’ll be tough missing birthdays, weddings and births but that it’s part of the path of living abroad; you can’t be there for everything. They tell you it won’t always be easy but then nothing worth having in life ever is, really.

They don’t tell you that once you realise you’ve found the place that works for you right now, that you’ve found a missing piece or even just found some peace; that it makes it even more complicated. When you had hoped it would make it easier.

But it’s never easy. If anything it seems to get harder. Saying goodbye to one home and finding your place back in the other.

You feel overwhelmed at how lucky you are to have love that stretches across oceans. And you know that, even though it doesn’t always feel possible, you can always go back, in either direction when you need to. You can find a way.

So here’s to looking forward but also back. To a year ahead full of possibilities and memories filled with London love. To a life where a heart exists in two halves, one on each side of Mamma Earth.


Laura Kelly