I'm Pickin' Up Good Vibrations

Everything in the Universe is made up of energy, all vibrating at different frequencies. That includes YOU too.

I LOVE thinking about this concept. And it explains so much about how certain situations or people can make you feel totally amazing and alive while others can throw you completely off centre.

Notice how your body feels in those happier situations. A hug from a loved one; the base from the speakers playing your favourite song; the warmth of the sunshine on your face. How does your body react in those moments?

You might find your breath gets deeper, your shoulders relax and you can settle You feel more present and connected and experience less mind chatter. That’s your body picking up the GOOD vibrations.

That feeling when someone walks into a room and immediately you feel their warmth, you feel drawn towards them or you can sense where they are. Those are their energetic vibrations that align with your own.

In the same way, when the vibrations are NOT aligned, you might notice your body responding in a different way. You might find yourself in an uneasy or stressful situations, you might not even quite know what’s ‘wrong’ but you could feel tension, shortening of breath; your heart beats faster and in more serious cases you can get headaches or even full body aches.

The body also reacts to thoughts in the same way it responds to actual situations. So if you’re worrying about something that hasn't even happened, you might still get the same physical reactions. The act of worrying equates to negative repetitive thought patterns. How can we help break those patterns and bring some ease back into the physical body?

An ongoing challenge for most of us is to try and recognise when it’s happening and step out of the negative thinking or remove ourselves from those interactions and situations before it reaches fever pitch. It can be SO hard. Once you’re in it you can feel like there’s no way out.

In an episode of Oprah’s podcast Super Soul Conversations, guest Eckhart Tolle discusses feeling into your ‘inner body’. He remarks on noticing the aliveness in your hands, arms, legs etc. or feeling the weight of your feet on the ground or your body sitting on a chair to help bring your mind back into your physical body rather than getting stuck in what’s happening in your mind.

You could look at something, an object in nature or just your immediate surroundings and bring your full attention to it, it’s shape, how it moves etc. to bring your mind away from active thinking and again, into the present and gently away from whatever anxious worry you’re stuck in.

If in doubt, GET MOVING. Dance, run, swim, go to yoga or go for a walk. Moving your physical body definitely helps shift your energy; it gets the yucky vibes flowing out and by feeling into your body you can start to get out of your mind.

It’s all energy, it all holds its own vibration and none of it is permanent. But how amazing to start to lessen the yucky vibrations and surround ourselves with the people and things in life that give us the GOOD vibrations.

“Do not turn your attention elsewhere in your search for the truth, for it is nowhere else to be found but within your body.” - Eckhart Tolle

Laura Kelly1 Comment